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- 国礼之选景泰蓝:醉于一方蓝彩的百年传奇技艺北京是中国景泰蓝的发祥地,作为最具北京特色的传统手工艺品之一,景泰蓝与雕漆、玉器、象牙被称为北京工艺品的“四大名旦”,同时也被列为“燕京八绝”之一。
- 国际青少年们以勇气重塑自我 2023年YOUNG戈赛圆满落幕2023年7月20日,第一届玄奘之路国际青少年戈壁挑战赛(简称YOUNG戈赛)在瓜州莫贺延碛戈壁荒野落下帷幕。
- 国潮出海:INXX+ComplexCon未来茶室降临洛杉矶INXX携全新潮流及艺术作品降临洛杉矶长滩,设置“未来茶室”,以茶会友,收获到来自全球的目光,展示了独特的文化积淀。
- 让东坡文化走向世界代代相传中华民族有着五千多年的文明史,我们要敬仰中华优秀传统文化,坚定文化自信。要善于从中华优秀传统文化中汲取治国理政的理念和思维,广泛借鉴世界一切优秀文明成果,不能封闭僵化,更不能一切以外国的东西为圭臬,坚定不移走中国特色社会主义道路。
- 世界青年新春同框“一起过节”2022年1月24日由文旅部中外文化交流中心发起并联合相关机构推出的“佳节好物·一起过节”全球青年数字文化交流活动在北京老舍茶馆进行全球直播连线,开启壬寅虎年首都第一场数字化迎新春国际活动。
- 欧洲可成为敦煌IP开发最佳伙伴欧洲的文创、时尚相关产业发达,能够为敦煌IP相关产品的开发和推广提供产业支撑。更重要的是,欧洲的敦煌研究基础深厚且与中国敦煌学颇有渊源,这让欧洲和中国对敦煌的理解和认知有着很多共通之处。
- The 'Chinese wind' whirling through the entertainment industryIf you truly love guofeng, then you know that it is based on a culture extending back for thousands of years. The first necessity is to sit down and study the past.
- Painting with lightTradition will continue to be a creative force for Wang as he explores adding more Chinese elements in his works, including a new series on Lunar New Year, creating photos that have both aesthetic value and cultural meaning.
- Classic Chinese tales thrive in modern timesLast year, online livestreams were organized for the first time to show the final round of appraisals to choose the country's 10 best archaeological discoveries. To Wang's surprise, the sessions full of archaeological terminology attracted over 28 million views. Since then, using livestreams to introduce the latest discoveries to the public has become a common practice for Chinese archaeologists.
- 中国网文“破圈”“出海”近年来,随着中国网络文学经翻译走出国门,中国网文在海外的规模和影响力进一步扩大。